University education in the science based society
- Professor Yoshihisa YAMAGUCHI
Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences
When the three former Osaka Prefecture universities were integrated in 2005, the Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences was established as an organization for creative education and research, in order to meet the needs of the times. The faculty comprises over 70 full-time instructors, and consists of the General Education Department which offers basic and liberal arts education for the entire university, and the Education Reform and Extension Department which manages university-wide education improvement and puts the fruits of the university’s education and research activities available to the local community.
Higher standard of knowledge is required in today’s society, and in order to survive it students must not only have particular skills and knowledge, but also develop their general ability. Therefore, our General Education Department strives to develop students’ problem-solving skills, by providing liberal arts education, on the one hand, to cultivate broad outlook, proper judgment and the ability to cope with globalization and the information-oriented society, and basic education, on the other hand, to develop the ability of application secured by basic knowledge.
In the Education Reform and Extension Department, we have the Center for the Development of University Education to promote educational reforms throughout the entire university, and make organized and systematic efforts to improve educational content and methods through various programs. We also have the Extension Center to contribute to the wider community, and provide the opportunity of lifelong study for citizens, planning and holding various lectures and workshops.