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総合教育研究機構・英語グループ (2007.01.22掲載)




 ENGLISH STUDIES    Joseph Britton

Today, we live in a world of rapid change fostered by an ever-increasing complexity in science, the economy, politics, and relationships. To understand, to manage, and to properly influence these vital areas of our society require sophisticated skills in communication. Within the English classes at Osaka Prefecture University students are given the foundations to face these communication challenges.

Our English classes are based upon how to give professional presentations. This includes the areas of introductions, conducting and taking interviews, giving speeches, and communicating with others in a professional and refined manner. Introductions set the stage, the atmosphere, for accepting and appreciating the person being introduced. An interview moves to the core of one's sense of identity, security, life purpose and confidence. It requires expressing one's best qualities in a coherent, convincing and well-understood manner. Speeches are the universal format for professionally presenting your ideas and establishing respect and honor among your audience and colleagues. High level communication abilities, along with in-depth work based knowledge, are the two most sought after skills for employment.

For success in business meetings, teaching, speaking at conferences, sales work, political speeches, corporate meetings, or one's personal life learning how to communicate with distinction and a sense of purpose is essential. Today, the international language for business is English. By combining a more precise and elegant English with the skill of professional presentations gives confidence, strength and gracefulness to the speaker, and in turn, respect and trust from the audience or listener.

Our students learn how to discuss such diverse topics as science, computers, robotics, economics, engineering, the environment, sociology, politics, health, and international affairs. The focus is on issues relevant to our students today. As these students shall be our leaders of tomorrow they are trained how to: 1. develop new ideas 2. read and research topics in English to provide evidence for supporting the theme 3. analyze data and information 4. logically organize a speech 5. summarize and write about these ideas in a report, and finally 6. speak clearly and convincingly in English about their conclusions in a manner that's easy for all to understand. As part of this exercise the students are often encouraged to express their thoughts, solutions, and directions for creating a healthy and prosperous society.

A presentation is generally divided into 2 parts: the content - the information that you are expressing; and the style - how you are expressing it.

Content comprises the words, expressions, and ideas forming your topic of discussion.

Style is a vital aspect for understanding what is spoken. It consists of how you hold the attention of the audience; inspire and persuade others of your ideas; properly pronounce your words; along with using voice projection, rhythm and pitch variation. Well informed content combined with a graceful style comprise a noteworthy presentation.

Using the foundations of English that the students have acquired prior to entering Osaka Prefecture University, the basic skills of reading, writing and expression are enhanced. The classes are demanding, yet stimulating, as they require deep thought, research, writing a speech presentation in English, and finally speaking in English with confidence. By the end of the year, the students will have the know-how and a great deal of practice in communicating professionally. This will prepare them to talk knowledgably about important topics here in Japan and certainly internationally. They will have developed the skills to present themselves with dignity, their family honorably and, in turn, Osaka Prefecture University with distinction.



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