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徳永 アン / 准教授

担当科目名 英語C
所属科目グループ 外国語(英語)
連絡先 連絡先(学内のみ)
研究分野 Systemic Functional Linguistics, Genre Theory, Critical Discourse Analysis
学位 B. Ed (Deakin University, Australia), Grad.Dip. T.E.S.O.L (University of South Australia)
  1. The Love Poetry of Marvell and Donne: Feigned Emotion?
    Journal of Osaka Meijo Women's College Volume 11 41 ミ 49 単著 1997 MARCH
  2. The Challenge to be Critical: Critical Literacy in English Language Programs The Language Center Journal Volume 1
    13 - 26 共著 2001 MARCH
  3. Systemic functional linguistics and the development of a genre-based approach to language education The Language Center Journal Volume 2 13 - 26 共著
  4. Is there a critical age for first language acquisition? A review of the research Jimbun Sakai Kagaku 巻号 Volume 52
    63 - 68 共著 Masahiko Tokunaga 2004 MARCH
  5. A genre approach to learning the language of research
    The Language Center Journal Volume 3 87 - 100
    共著 Masahiko Tokunaga 2004 MARCH
研究概要  Systemic functional linguistics is concerned with how people use language to make meanings in particular social and cultural contexts. Systemic functional linguistics is termed ヤfunctionalユ because it tries to explain how language is used and why people choose certain language features than others when using language. SFL provides tools for analyzing how language is structured and grammatically patterned and can help learners to understand the patterns of grammatical choices and distinctive linguistic choices that have been used to make particular meanings.

 Genre Theory uses systemic functional grammar to help build an understanding about how language choices vary according to our purposes. Genre Theory points out that since language is used by people for participating in shared cultural activities, groups of texts have evolved that are patterned in reasonably predictable ways according to the purposes they are designed to achieve. Genre Theory analyzes various genres used in a culture and has helped to provide quite detailed descriptions of how a particular genre is staged, the typical meanings that are made and the typical words and structures that are used at each stage. This helps learners to develop the linguistic means of participating in a new culture in order to, for example, go shopping, tell a story, write a report or write a letter persuading someone to do something.